Ok check out what I have here for you lovely people.
you can search for other stuff here if you'd like
http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Gala/4394/ is a site that a freind of mine did, it has some really good songs in mp3. Now I've heard stuff that peolple recorded at home and put in mp3 format and it sucks (mostly because they dont know how to record), but I have to give "mad props", as the cool people say, to Tim; your quality is the best I've heard yet. You must know what your doing! heh! So get over to his site.
Well, here we are; Friday. The day high school kids go out and party. Well not for me, thank you kindly. For some reason, today I just don't feel like going out. I know what the deal is with me, maybe I'm settleing down or something, shit! Me and my freinds planned to go down to the woods for the usual, but this weekend I dont feel like it. Perhaps it's because the woods that we go to is right by their house and I live on the other side of town. Not much of a problem getting their; I could walk and not complain. But I have a 30 pack of Pabst (yeah) that I'm expected to bring down and I'm not going to wlak it down.Plus I have to worry about cops, getting a ride home when I'm all fucked up later on, and getting hit by camals. But they say "oh it's not that bad of a walk" Fuck you, when i suggest we party in the woods by my house you say "shit what are you crazy? I'm not walking that hike". Well I see whats up, so I said fuck it, I don't want to do any thing. If I had a clean, indoor, safe place to drink tonitewith people I like, I'd do it, I just don't want to drink with a bunch of assholes.
<old>Ok, I hang out in #ween on IRC in Dalnet. Everyone is usually pretty cool to you in there, we're all kinda nice people, right? Well, not today. I went into #ween and the expected people were in there, I was talking to a few people and that's it. Then I went to researh some links for the site, when i go back to the mIRC window, I notice a few guys I've never seen in there. Then I notice that some one op'd them, well no big deal, but then I realize that they are treating the channel like shit, as if they owned it. What the fuck? I say to my self. so I type in "What the hell's going on?" They say "dont speak unless spoken to, stagG. I'm like Shit, what asshole gave these guys op's, any way to make a long story short they eventually kickban me. It's not that it bothers me that much, but #ween has always been a civalized plce to converse, so why did someone op these people, these people who might have never come in here before, or maybe don't even know who ween is. Is there no where to go with people who have an idea about todays modern poison; the media? i guess not, but there is always #chocodog, the last ween channel (maybe) that has any hope to it, if asshole's start coming to #ween just to fuck with people, go to #chocodog, where every body knows your name, like cheers!<old>
If you want you can e-mail me at [email protected]
ah, thats it for now, more shit later
this was last updated : 02/19/99 02:59:49 PM